How to integrate digital into the overall marketing strategy
Marketing has never been so digital. And that's a good thing! digital marketing strategies allow you to track how people are responding to your message, see which channels work best for you, and measure the return on investment for your digital efforts. But digital marketing isn't all about analytics and digital marketing tools. It's also about creating engaging content, marketing to specific target demographics, and driving traffic to your site from the right channels. By integrating digital strategies throughout the entire marketing process - from idea generation to planning and execution - you'll maximize results. There are a couple of things below to keep in mind:

Set measurable goals
Without a goal, digital marketing can quickly become a chore. That's why it is so important to set measurable goals for your campaigns. This way, you will be able to track the progress made and measure the impact of your strategies. Additionally, setting goals gives you an incentive to keep going even when things might seem tough at first. Plus, digital marketing is all about creating relationships with customers- something that cannot be accomplished if objectives are not clearly defined from the start!
Track and measure results
Digital marketing is all about creating a connection with customers, through the internet. Without proper tracking and measurement, it's difficult to know if your strategies are actually working. There are various tools that can help you do just that - like conversion rates or web traffic analytics. Integrating digital marketing into your business' overall marketing plan will help ensure a holistic approach which results in better customer experience and increased sales. By measuring the results of your digital campaigns, you'll be able to fine-tune them for future success.
Identify your target market
Before you can start creating content that engages and converts your target market, it is important to first identify who they are. This involves testing various marketing channels to see which ones work best for your business. Once you have a few channels narrowed down, it's time to develop an effective strategy for reaching these people. There are many digital media platforms available nowadays such as email marketing, social media marketing etcetera. You need to find the right mix of strategies that will resonate with your target market and help them understand what you have to offer. Additionally, create valuable content that speaks directly to their needs and interests so they don't even need any convincing when making a purchase or signing up for your services.
Define your brand positioning
Brand positioning is the process of defining your company's unique identity and establishing a position in the marketplace. It helps you to differentiate yourself from your competitors, and to attract new customers. Brand positioning can be divided into two main categories: product positioning and marketing positioning. Product positioning defines how your products compare to those of your competition, while marketing positioning establishes where you stand in relation to other brands in the market. Product Positioning typically focuses on features, benefits, prices, target markets, distribution channels, etc., while Marketing Positioning emphasizes image (brands perception), leadership ( perceived status within a category), credibility (trustworthiness), emotional appeal/integrity (uniqueness). It is important for businesses to have a clear understanding of their brand position before they begin any marketing or promotional activities. This will help them identify which strategies are most likely to result in success for them.
Develop an effective digital marketing strategy for your business
Digital marketing has revolutionized the way businesses market their products and services. It is an effective tool that can reach a wider audience than traditional marketing methods and it's cost-effective as well. To be successful with digital marketing, you need to develop an effective digital marketing strategy that fits your business and targets your target market effectively. There are various channels you can use - email, social media, PR etcetera - to create awareness about your brand or product and drive conversions. Once you have a plan in place, make sure all content (ads, blog posts, videos etc.) is geared towards promoting the affiliate product!